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Buck Mountain Central School Evacuation

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This communication is written to provide information regarding today’s evacuation of Buck Mountain Central School.

The fire alarm was triggered just before 1:30.  All students and staff were evacuated immediately.  The Buck Lake/Alder Flats Fire Department was dispatched and arrived on-scene shortly after.  The Fire Department conducted a search of the building, while students and staff waited at our Muster Point in front of the school.  When the Fire Department determined it was safe to re-enter the building at 2:00, students and staff did so and returned to regular classes.

The cause of the fire alarm has yet to be determined, but WRPS Facilities is working to address this.

Thank you to the students and staff for your patience and continued commitment to the safety of our school community.

Rest assured that all actions were based on the priority of ensuring the safety of the students and staff.

Thank you,

Jon Meyers
Buck Mountain Central School

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Box 30, 460050 Range Road 61A
Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0

Phone: 780-388-3900