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Buck Mountain Central School Graduation 2020 Update.

April 24, 2020

Dear Grade 12 Students and Parents/Guardians, 

Grade 12 is an exciting and pivotal year for our students, and one of the highlights of the year is the graduation celebration.  Our Grade 12s look forward to it all year, and as educators, it gives us such great pride to celebrate this accomplishment with our students.  However, given the current medical direction to avoid large gatherings, I am saddened to announce that our Grad 2020 celebration this May must be cancelled.  The uncertainty of the current situation, including the timeline for how long it will last, has led us, with heavy hearts, to this decision.

While this likely comes as no surprise to your family, I know that hearing it for certain is difficult.  I would like to reassure you that we are looking at alternatives, as we believe that part of what makes the BMC family so strong is our commitment to celebrating our successes together.  We do hope to be able to celebrate Grad 2020 at some point, possibly in the fall.  What this will look like, we aren’t yet sure, but we will honour this significant milestone in our students’ lives the best we can, as the situation allows.

I thank you for your consideration in the matter.


Jon Meyers


Buck Mountain Central School

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Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0

Phone: 780-388-3900