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Buck Mountain Central School Locker Clean Out - Update

Dear Parent/Guardians,

We sincerely hope that this communication finds you and your family well.  We are currently living in unprecedented times and we understand that there is a lot of information being sent to you in a short period of time.  As members of this community, it is helpful to remember that we are all learning this “new” together. Our teachers are working hard to learn new ways of engaging your children through learning remotely, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

On Wednesday, April 1 and Thursday April 2, you are asked to visit BMC to pick up all of your child’s items from school.  These items will include:

  • Hall locker contents
  • Textbooks
  • Learning resources where appropriate
  • Lost and found objects (including items from boot racks and change rooms)
  • Band Instruments

*Please bring school athletic uniforms as well as library books to be dropped off.

*If you are a band student that needs to pick up your musical instrument and/or folder, please let us know this when you arrive.

Buck Mountain Central  School is operating under the strict directives of Alberta Health Services public safety guidelines and we cannot have more than 15 people congregated together at one time.  As well, we must be mindful of social distancing and limiting public interaction as we allow access to the school. 

If you have any respiratory-like symptoms (cough, fever, and one or more of sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, or extreme exhaustion), or have recently returned from outside Canada and have been recommended to self-isolate, please do not enter the school.

Only one person per family will be permitted inside the building.  As students are most aware of  what they need from the school, they may be the most appropriate person to pick up their belongings.  If you are unable to attend, you must email the office ahead of time with the name of an alternate person who will pick up.

When you arrive for your collection time, please park at the front of the school and line-up appropriately at the Main Entrance observing appropriate physical distancing.  Once inside, staff will give you student belongings and ask if there is anything else you require. Following this, you will exit out the south doors. For safety reasons and timely access, we need to ensure that the visit is brief.  Teachers will not be available for questions at this time. Teachers have been and will be informing you on how they will keep in communication with students and parents.

Please pay close attention to the posted schedule.  We ask that you try as best as possible to honour this schedule, as it will ensure safe and timely access for all families.

Last Name

Pick-Up Times

A - E

Wednesday, April 1 → 9:00 - 11:00 AM

F - L

Wednesday, April 1 → 1:00 - 3:00 PM

M - Q

Thursday, April 2 → 9:00 - 11:00 AM

R - Z

Thursday, April 2 → 1:00 - 3:00 PM


Once again, thank you for your understanding.


Jon Meyers

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Box 30, 460050 Range Road 61A
Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0

Phone: 780-388-3900