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Cross country skiing at Buck Mountain Central School

Dear Community Agencies, Businesses and Members,

My name is Tim Stewart, I am a Physical Education Teacher at Buck Mountain Central School in Buck Lake.  I am thrilled to announce Buck Mountain Central School was one of 3 schools, nationwide recently awarded the AltaGas Ski-at-School grant for $6000, chosen by Cross Country Canada.

We are reaching out with this letter to ask for matching funding that will help to fulfill our grant application requirements but, more importantly provide students and community members the opportunity to experience cross country skiing at Buck Mountain Central School.  With this great opportunity comes a financial cost therefore are reaching out to you, to give our program and our students the funding you can provide. With the AltaGas Ski-at-School grant we currently have enough funding to provide 16 ski kits. Our long term (3 year) goal is to have 50 ski kits and the ability to suit up every class in the school independently.  A ski kit has the cost of $365 per unit, which includes one set of cross country skis, pole, bindings and boots.

Your support toward this endeavor will go to a great cause, promoting outdoor adventure and lifelong activity in the communities of and beyond Buck Mountain Central School.  For more information, questions or concerns please call me at 780-388-3900 or email

Thank you for your continued volunteer time, efforts as individuals and as an agency to improve our community and thank you for the consideration of our financial request.


Mr. Tim Stewart

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Box 30, 460050 Range Road 61A
Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0

Phone: 780-388-3900