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Graduation Information

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This letter is to provide you with some information regarding the grade 12 Graduation taking place at BMC June 1st.  Though the date is quickly approaching, students and staff are well-planned and have a good handle on the day.

A final list of eligible students will be posted by the school by the end of the school day on May 1st.  At this time, tickets/invitations to the banquet will be distributed.  On May 14th, any unused or returned tickets/invitations will be made available on a first come/first served basis.  There are 11 tickets available to each student (including their own) for the banquet. The cost of each ticket is $40.00.

Please submit pictures for the slide show and collages by the end of next week (May 11th).  These pictures will be returned.

Students are doing a bottle drive to fundraise for the grad ceremony.  Bottles can be dropped off at the Alder Flats Bottle Depot (they do not need to be sorted).  If dropping off bottles there, please indicate they are for 2018 BMC Grad.

Students will be receiving a student information sheet will be given to students.  It must be completed and submitted to the office by the end of next week (May 11th).

If students are giving a toast or speech, they must submit this to the office by May 25th for approval.

If you have any questions, please give me a call at the school.


Thank you,

Jon Meyers


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Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0

Phone: 780-388-3900