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Summer School Opportunities

Good afternoon,

If you have students who are looking to travel and earn credits or earn community involvement hours this summer, Blyth Academy International Summers is STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for July and August programs!
About International Summers
Our academic programs focus on providing students with an experiential learning environment and customizing the lessons set in the Ontario curriculum to our international settings. When a student returns from their International Summers program we will send a copy of their report card home. We also send a copy to their home school to be added to their transcript. All Blyth Academy credits are recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Education, and Blyth Academy is a Ministry-inspected private school.
Students can also earn community involvement hours on our international Community Service programs. These volunteer programs are an invigorating mix of rewarding community service activities and organized recreation. This allows students to develop leadership skills, and have fun too! Each student will receive a letter detailing the community involvement hours and activities that can be added to their secondary school diploma.
Programs available for Grades 9-12

  • To view a list of all of the CREDITS being offered for summer 2018, click here.
  • To see a full list of DESTINATION options, as well as an estimate of remaining space for summer 2018 programs, click here.
  • To view our international VOLUNTEER opportunities available this July, click here.

Please share this email with your Guidance Department or any staff member who is passionate about travel and learning opportunities for students.
Programs open to students from across Canada
We have had over 500 students join our programs from outside Ontario over the past 3 years and have developed a system for their use of the number grade in post-secondary applications. Students are able to take our Ontario curriculum courses and use those grades to apply for university, college, and awards like the Rutherford Scholarship. Please get in touch if you have questions about how the Ontario credits can be transferred back to your home province.

Would you like more information?
Contact Virginia Woodall, our Admissions Manager for international travel programs. She would be happy to answer questions, mail a package of brochures, and organize a custom info session for your students. You can reach her directly at or 1-866-960-3552 x.105.
Check our calendar for an information session or webinar to learn more. Click here for a full list of sessions.
Thank you,
Blyth Academy International

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Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0

Phone: 780-388-3900